DonateLife WA coordinates all organ and tissue donor activities across the state. It works with hospitals and hospital-based DonateLife medical and nursing specialists to provide professional donation services and encourage best practice to increase donation rates.
DonateLife WA activities include:
- raising awareness about organ and tissue donation
- encouraging discussion about donation
- educating health professionals about the donation process
- offering care and support to donor families.
Get involved and volunteer with DonateLife WA
DonateLife WA volunteer program is on hold while we review and update all of our policies and procedures. If you would like to join us as a volunteer in the future, we would still love to hear from you. To find out more, contact our Communications Coordinator:
Jenny Duggan
Phone: (08) 6557 8018 or 0477 371 675
Our volunteers are integral to increasing awareness of organ and tissue donation across WA. Our volunteer team includes:
- transplant recipients
- family members (recipient and donor families)
- general community members.
Our volunteers take part in activities and events all over WA, including information displays, community talks and media opportunities.
Contact DonateLife WA
To contact the on-call donor coordinator
Call the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital on (08) 6457 3333 (24 hours/7 days). Ask to speak with the on-call organ and tissue donor coordinator.
General enquiries
PO Box 332, Northbridge WA 6865
Phone: 1800 950 155
Fax: 1800 950 199
Media contact
Jenny Duggan
Phone: 08 6557 8018 or 0477 371 675
Donor family support coordinator
Anna Wilson (available (Wednesdays, Thursdays and alternate Mondays)
Phone: (08) 6557 8019 or 0472 865 601

Dr David Blythe, FRACP, FCICM, MBA commenced as the new State Medical Director at DonateLife WA (DLWA) on 26 June 2023 and continues to work as a Consultant Intensivist and Head of Department at Armadale Hospital Intensive Care Unit.
David qualified in England, then came to Australia as a junior resident in 1989 after a year in New Zealand. He initially worked in Queensland, and then in NSW until his family settled in Perth in 1994.
David received his first consultant post at Fremantle hospital (FH) as an Intensivist in 1999 and continued working there until the Fremantle ICU closed and Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) ICU opened.
David also worked as the Director of Clinical Services and the Executive Director at FH until 2016.
David has a keen interest in end-of-life care and organ donation, and he’s been part of the State Committee on Goals of Patient Care (GOPC) processes for many years.

Melissa Smith is a registered nurse. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Nursing, a Postgraduate Diploma in ICU nursing and a Diploma of Counselling.
Raised in the Gascoyne region of WA, Melissa has worked in adult ICU management and education in WA and in the UK.
She began working at DonateLife as a donor coordinator in 2000, with stints as an education officer and acting manager. Melissa became clinical nurse manager in 2013.
DonateLife WA staff
The DonateLife WA team consists of donor coordinators, and medical and nursing donation specialists. This highly skilled team support the family and donation process and provide education to the community and clinicians.
DonateLife Agency staff also include the education officer, communications officer and administrative support.