DonateLife SA coordinates all organ and tissue donor activities across the state. It works with hospitals and hospital-based DonateLife medical and nursing specialists to provide professional donation services and encourage best practice to increase donation rates.
DonateLife SA activities include:
- raising awareness about organ and tissue donation
- encouraging discussion about donation
- educating health professionals about the donation process
- offering care and support to donor families.
Contact DonateLife SA
General enquiries
Ground Floor, Allianz Centre, 55 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
PO Box 287, Rundle Mall SA 5000
Phone: (08) 8207 7117
Fax: (08) 8207 7102

Stewart is the Medical Director of DonateLife SA and an Intensive Care Specialist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He is Chair of the Central Adelaide Health Network Clinical Ethics Committee and member of the ANZICS Death and Organ Donation Committee since 2007.
Stewart led the development of the South Australian End-of-Life Follow-up Service in 2018, a collaboration between the ICUs and DonateLife, operational at all 4 South Australian adult hospitals. The service ensures that organ and tissue donation is considered at end-of-life in all patients, with each family able to feedback on their experience.

Heylen Laver worked as a critical care nurse at the Royal Adelaide Hospital before joining the SA Organ Donation Agency in 2005 as an organ donation coordinator. She quickly became a highly regarded member of the organ and tissue donation community through her representation on national, state and local committees.
Heylen is enthusiastic about leading a culture of continuous improvement so that risk management becomes part of everyday work practice. Her strong commitment to professional and personal ethics and principles of equity, access and justice underpin all aspects of her work.
DonateLife SA staff
DonateLife SA is comprised of donation specialist medical and nursing staff. The highly skilled team of organ and tissue donation specialists support the family and donation process and provide education to the community and clinicians.
DonateLife Agency staff also includes the donor family support coordinator, education coordinators, communications and media staff, and administrative support.